
Other DE Sites Posted at Wisc DE Clearinghouse

Other Distance Education Resources
  1. Distance-Educator.comThis is a comprehensive and well established database of resources for distance education topics. It is continually maintained and updated. It offers multiple access points to information including pre-sorted solutions for several user groups. Users may also sign up for daily news updates. The site was founded by Farhad Saba, Ph.D.

  2. The Educator's Reference Desk - Resource GuidesIn December, 2003, the AskEric service of the U.S. Department of Education was discontinued. The Educator's Reference Desk provides a search interface to the ERIC Database, providing access to over one million bibliographic records on educational research, theory, and practice. The Distance Education Guide includes links to other sites, organizations, online communities and archived responses to the AskEric questions on Distance Education.

  3. eLearningThe Ageless Learner is a Web site which focuses on how learning and curiosity influence everything in life, no matter your age, education, or occupation. The eLearning section provides numerous links to other sites dedicated to online learning, including references to articles, books, and distance education organizations.

  4. eLearning Centre LibraryDifferent sections of the eLearning Centre's Library address specific topic areas, for example, the 'General' section has links to introductory materials, the 'Trends and Technologies' sectionŒcontains links to many resources about current and emerging e-learning issues, and so on.

  5. General Distance Learning Information This collection of electronic resources has been developed by the Western Cooperative for Educational Telecommunications (WCET), founded by the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE). The resources include links to both distance education and educational technology materials. In addition to these general resources, WCET also has sections for K12, corporate, partnerships and other specific areas of interest.

  6. Global-EdThe site aims to create a higher education community of practice of relevant articles, authors and events. According to Global-Ed Editor Graeme Hart: "The underlying philosophy of Global-Ed is to create a free online resource to bring Global Education professionals together to engage in relationship-building across the world."

  7. International Centre for Distance LearningNOTICE: The Open University's International Centre for Distance Learning (ICDL) ceased most of its activities in April 2003 as its external funding has ended. Its database of distance-learning courses and institutions remains online but "frozen in time" as it is no longer updated will eventually be phased out. However, the ICDL literature database will continue to be maintained.The International Centre for Distance Learning (ICDL) of the Open University, UK, maintains distance education databases containing information on over 31,000 distance learning programs and courses, over 1,000 institutions teaching at a distance worldwide, and over 12,000 abstracts of books, journal articles, research reports, conference papers, dissertations and other types of literature relating to all aspects of the theory and practice of distance education.

  8. Learning ResourcesFrom the American Distance Education Consortium (ADEC), this long list of resources includes many ADEC papers and initiatives, but also listed are links to outside reports, projects, organizations and issues all of interest to ADEC members and others in distance education.

  9. Librarians' Index to the Internet - Distance EducationA collection of general sites relating to distance education identified and maintained by The Librarians' Index to the Internet (lii.org). Items have been selected and evaluated by librarians for their usefulness to users of public libraries. Users may search by subject, keywords, etc.

  10. Online Education ResourcesThe categories in the ION Online Resources section represent a selected list of resources dealing with various aspects of online education and the online environment in general. ION is the Illinois Online Network. It is a collaboration of all forty-eight community colleges and the University of Illinois working together to advance utilization of Internet-based instruction and service throughout the state of Illinois.

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